Thursday, June 14, 2012

Chris Brown And Drake Get Into a Fist Fight Last Night is reporting that Drake and his entourage got into a FIGHT with Chris Brown at the popular after hours NYC nightclub WIP. According to MULTIPLE sources inside, Chris and Drake have had a difficult relationship since three years ago.  That’s when Rihanna supposedly cheated on Chris, with Drake and Chris has held a grudge since. Last night at WIP it seems, Chris reportedly sent over a bottle of champagne to Drake’s table, as a sort of peace offering. Unconfirmed reports are saying that Drake sent the bottle back to Chris with a message to the effect of – “I’m f*ckng the love of your life [Rihanna], deal with it.” Whatever message Drake sent back caused Chris to immediately fly into a rage and he confronted Drake and his entourage which included another Chris Brown rival, rapper Meek Mill. Meek Mill also had a relationship with Rihanna. Apparently Drake punched Chris in the face and before Chris could retaliate, someone popped Chris in the mouth with a bottle, multiple times. And as a result, Chris was bleeding everywhere. Security immediately swooped in and broke up the fight. Drake and his entourage immediately left the club, before police arrived. Chris, we’re told left under his own power – and later went to the hospital, to get his face sewn shut and that’s where the took the above photo. What happened since?  Well Chris Brown turned to Twitter and here’s what Chris Brown had to say about his fight with Drake:

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